Nurul Fazliana♥ Photobucket
Seventeen & Awesome .
Behind those smile, lies her tears .
Imma teenager and i tend to try new stuff , so don't judge me that easily
Aishah♥; Girlfriend♥; Amirah BFF♥;

/ Monday, July 25, 2011 @ 8:43 PM

HELLLO! hahahaha had a blast sabo ini anak razale. teruk sekali dia kena. selamat birthday aku sudah lepas LOLs hehehehehe. the four of us just wanna wish you the best for your big major exams which is your O level. we wish you goodluck in everything. hope you will suceed. eh keep the card and eat the cake. kalau tangan besok blue black kita semua nak mintak maaf. hehehehe. hope that this friendship will last insyallah. lagi sekali kita empat wish kau yer HAPPPY SIXTEEN BIRTHDAY AHMAD A'MMAR BIN RAZALE , enjoy the cake and the present. tapi aku nye belated :)). BYEE!!
/ Sunday, July 24, 2011 @ 4:13 PM

Hi , guess who's this? Ahmad A'mmar Bin of my bestfriend ((: yesterday was his birthday advanced party. it was awesome boleh lah tahan. actually belum lagi 16 besok baru nak naik 16 HAHAH! bila mau 17 ni hehehe :P. okay aku nak wish dahulu yer ((:

HAPPY SIXTEEN BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCED. you will get it from me and the others tomorrow. something you will be touch i guess jangan kau nanges pulak yerr . emmm taking your O level this year lepas tuh nanti kau dah tak ada. mungkin kita akan contact each other mungkin tak. i wish you all the best. harap harap kau dapat masuk course yang kau nak. birthday present kau aku kasi belated yer maklumlah kakak 17 ni nanti dapat duit bila bulan puasa. tunggu yer. but actually aku pun tak tahu nak belikan kau apa. apa lagi eh emmm. aku dah tak tahu nak type apa lagi. besok lu take care ^^. byeeee.

i never did thought of replacing you
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.